Monday, September 30, 2013

"...a single-payer national health-care plan similar to those that exist in Europe and Canada..."
~President Barack Obama

"In 1993, President Clinton took a stab at creating a system of universal coverage, but was stymied.  Since then, the public debate has been deadlocked, with some on the right arguing for a strong dose of market discipline through Health Savings Accounts, others on the left arguing for a single-payer national health-care plan similar to those that exist in Europe and Canada, and experts across the political spectrum recommending a series of sensible but incremental reforms to the existing system.
"It's time we broke this impasse by acknowledging a few simple truths.
"Given the amount of money we spend on health care (more per capita than any other nation), we should be able to provide basic coverage to every single American."

"...deliver the best care in the most cost-effective manner.  In particular, the model plan would emphasize coverage of primary care, prevention, catastrophic care, and the management of chronic conditions like asthma and diabetes.  Overall, 10 percent of all patients account for 80 percent of the care..."

~ The AUDACITY of HOPE, THOUGHTS ON RECLAIMING THE AMERICAN DREAM,  Barack Obama, Crown Publishers, 2006. 

"...and if we can prevent diseases from occurring or manage their effects through simple interventions like making sure patients control their diets or take their medicines regularly, we can dramatically improve patient outcomes and save the system a great deal of money." ~ President Barack Obama

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