Monday, April 12, 2010

Defining Edge Fitness Inc.

Every spring, The Neat Little Bookshop features books and photographs on health and fitness.
For information and inspiration on personal fitness and training, visit
Krista Schaus, Owner, strength coach and personal trainer, National Natural Body-Building Champion, has three words for us:
Aspire. Act. Achieve

Artwork by Scott C. Walker
Available at The Neat Little Bookshop Krista is a life-time resident of Haldimand.
Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart. Photo: by Lorna. For larger image, click on photo.
Your Smile for Today:

"Work keeps us from three great evils: boredom, vice, and poverty."

~ Voltaire, French Writer, Philosopher, (1694 - 1778) Candide, ch. 30.