Monday, October 6, 2014

English journalist, critic, poet, and lexicographer, SAMUEL JOHNSON*

"Andrew Millar, the bookseller who published Johnson's Dictionary, had great difficulty in extracting the copy for this work from the author.  At last a messenger was dispatched to Millar with the final page.  Upon the messenger's return Johnson asked, 'Well, what did he say?'
'Sir,' replied the messenger, 'he said, 'Thank God I have done with him'
'I am glad,' said Johnson, 'that he thanks God for anything.' "

"Dr. Johnson was taken to task by a lady who asked why he had defined 'pastern' as 'the knee of a horse' in his dictionary.  She expected an elaborate defense.  He replied, 'Ignorance, madam, pure ignorance.' "

[Johnson's dictionary took eleven years to complete.]

~ THE LITTLE, BROWN BOOK OF Anecdotes, Clifton Fadiman, General Editor.

* (1709 - 1784)