Thursday, December 5, 2013

"I could feel myself growing stronger as the weight of the long years lifted from atop my shoulders like a wish borne on dandelion down.  Silently, the last poppy's petals closed, and Elder began to vanish from sight, remaining just long enough to speak his final words:
'In this end is to be your greatest beginning, Nicholas, for from this day forth, the world will know you as Santa Claus, The Keeper of Childhood Dreams.  So has it always been, so shall it be forevermore.'

"The elves erupted in a glorious cheer that shook the snow from the treetops and began a revelry that has been remembered ever since as The Night The Hills Sang Out.  Hand in hand, Sara and I turned to join the joyous elves, dancing as never before beneath a universe of infinite stars."

~ Santa My Life & Times An Illustrated Autobiography, designed & produced by Martin I. Green and Berkshire Studio.  Avon Books, Inc. 1998.

Note:  Selfie Courtesy of Santa