Thursday, July 21, 2011

Re-entered the Bookshop ~

Everything is as we left it yesterday, except for more water filling a 17" x 22" Rubbermaid bucket in the middle of a wet carpet.

When the place was shut-down, Robert Yanch, the resident lawyer, kicked into action. Before anyone had time to say "no," he had a crew clearing huge rooms of combustible materials -- two dumpsters and two pickup trucks, to be specific. How he met the other specifics of the "Threat to Life" order from the Fire Marshall's office is a mystery. But I for one will never question Bob's will to get something done! Thank you Mr. Yanch.
The bookshop remains closed. Perhaps we have simply lost heart. We have had enough. We won't open again in this location.
Tomorrow: Light at the end of the tunnel.