Saturday, January 26, 2013

Smile for Today~

"Ihave discovered photography.
Now I can kill myself.
I have nothing else to learn."
~Pablo Picasso
February Goings On ~

Haldimand Motors Soup 'A Bowl, Talbot Rd., Cayuga, Friday, February 1, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm.  Haldimand County Food Drive.

Cayuga Women's Institute Meeting, Monday, February 4, 1:30 pm  Brantwood Villa, The Common Room,  Robert Dell Court.  Topic:  Valentines/Love.

St. Paul's Anglican Church, Cayuga, Tuesday, February 12, 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Pancake & Sausage Supper. 

Canfield Women's Institute Valentine Luncheon, Thursday, February 14 at 12:00 pm.   Canfield Community Centre, 50 Talbot Rd., Canfield.  Lunch, card party $8 per person.  Tickets:  905-772-5160.

Smile for Today ~

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit."
~ Nelson Henderson

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Solitary trees, if they grow at all, grow strong."
~ Winston Churchill

~ Treasury of Wit & Wisdom, Reader's Digest, 2006