Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"24 Carat Characters" * ~

There is a good chance that while visiting The Neat Little Bookshop, folks will run into interesting people, "24 carat characters" ~ a phrase coined by a local author* who frequents the shop.

One of the interesting people with whom you may have already brushed shoulders is Shane Carmichael, owner of The Parrothead Cafe ~ the newly renovated restaurant on Lake Erie ~ Haldimand, Lakeshore and Kohler Roads. No, it is not open yet, to answer the most-asked question; however, Shane is winding down a job this week in Louisana, U.S.A., that has delayed the launching of his lakeside dream.

We look forward to seeing you at The Parrothead Cafe, Shane.

*Author, Lawrence Miller,The Avro Arrow A Picture History, Lorimer, 2011
Lascelles Abercrombie, British poet and critic, in response to a serious challenge to a duel by Ezra Pound, suggested to his opponent that they " bombard each other with unsold copies of our own books."
Pound, having far more "weapons" than his opponent, immediately withdrew the challenge.

~ The LITTLE, BROWN BOOK OF Anecdotes, Clifton Radiman, Little, Brown and Company, 1985
(Note: Choice of weapons in a duel lies with the party challenged.)