Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Smile for Today ~

Rosie Has a Nap
One Eye Open

"It is probably true, then, that dogs don't think about art, the origin of the universe, or geopolitics." 
~ Roger A. Caras

A Dog Is Listening, The Way Some of Our Friends View Us,  Summit Books, 1992

Virginia Woolf wrote: 

"D'ya mean to say your silken phrases are dug for and sweated out?  I thought you dipped your brush and drew your stroke.  And as for me, I write everything except Orlando 4 times over, and should write it 6 times; and after a morning of grunting and groaning have 200 words to show:  and those as crazy as broken china.
"These are sober facts; and then we, who live in the same age, and sometimes meet in the flesh, have these mistaken ideas about each other: What then is the worth of criticism?"

~In a letter to David Garnett (Dec.,1929) A Reflection of The Other Person / The Letters of Virginia Woolf 1929 - 1931, Editor N. Nicolson; Assistant Editor: J. Trautmann, Chatto & Windus Ltd., Clarke, Irwin & Co. Ltd., 1978.
Doors Open Haldimand ~  Sat., Sept., 15
Cottonwood Mansion will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00

Curator Jill Walters-Klamer and Clayton Spears
For a complete listing of sites participating in the 2012 Doors Open Haldimand, go to  (View a slide show of the mansion.)

Photograph compliments of Catherine Stidsen, Vice-President, Cottonwood Mansion.  Thank you Catherine.