Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Arizona, Louisiana and Mississippi

7:00 p.m. BP has just announced that the "live video feed" will continue throughout the so-called "Top Kill" on Wednesday, May 26.
For what may in fact potentially be the most tragic environmental disaster of all time, let us engage the world's best minds.

These beautiful scenes are from Boggy Creek area in Kissimmee, Central Florida Everglades. We are reminded that three coastal states are now declared Fisheries Disasters by the U.S. Department of Commerce in order to make available Federal Aid.

Photos: by Lorna (You may have to click on photo to see the bald eagle in lower photo.)

"What we can do is create renewable, cleaner energy sources for the twenty-first century. Instead of subsidizing the oil industry, (the previous U.S. administration's energy policy has been focused on subsidies to big oil companies and expanded drilling -- coupled with token investments in the development of alternative fuels.), we should end every single tax break the industry currently receives and demand that 1 percent of the revenues from oil companies with over $1 billion in quarterly profits go toward financing alternative energy research and the necessary infrastructure....it could be the vehicle by which we train an entire new generation of American scientists and engineers and a source of new export industries and high-wage jobs."

The AUDACITY of HOPE, Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, Barack Obama, Three Rivers Press, a division of Random House, Inc., 2006.