Friday, March 6, 2009

A Writer on Writing

"Always, I am amazed at what we tell, how much faith we put in it.
Never really knowing who is listening,how they're going to take it, where."
~ Bronwen Wallace, Canadian Poet

"Obama Please Invade Canada"

Words of talented humourist, William Thomas. Hilarious, yes. Serious, likely.
Stunning portraits of the various teams assembled by the U.S. Administration adorn sixteen pages in the March issue of Vanity Fair. From the Green Team to the Cabinet. The Economy Team to the Logistics Team. The Brain-Trust Team to the News-Tracking Team. The First Lady's Team, Domestic Policy, Communications ~ even the so-called Boosters, Caroline and Ted Kennedy.

What strikes the reader is the mixture of youth, enthusiasm, energy, vitality, age, wisdom and experience evident in the faces of this "Brave New World." Yes, please invade Canada!