Monday, September 3, 2012

Smile for Today  (before computers)

"~ forgive this typing, but my hand staggers like a drunken washer-woman after writing innumerable articles, so that is in kindness to you ~"
~ Virginia Woolfe in a letter to Hugh Walpole (Typewritten Sunday, April 12th 1931)

"Its so difficult to write, because, ~ well, after finishing a book, the mind bobs like a cork on the sea ~ I hate the feeling;  I had forgotten the horror.  I am irritable and melancholy and I doubt not, if you were here, egotistic."
~ VW in a letter to Ethel Smyth (February 16th 1931)

~A Reflection of The Other Person, The Letters of Virginia Woolf, 1929 - 1931.  Editor:  Nigel Nicolson, Assistant Editor:  Joanne Trautmann.  Chatto & Windus Ltd. Clarke, Irwin & Co. Ltd., 1978.