Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In the book, How to Write & Sell Your First Novel, Oscar Collier points out, "The editor, usually a person who has chosen the profession out of a love of reading, is first and foremost a reader, a consumer of books. For a novelist to have a successful dialogue, the necessary give-and-take, with his editor, the novelist must first regard the editor as a reader or fan and ignore the notion of the editor's power over the writer's business success. The relationship, to be successful, must be one between equals. Editors must find, and get along with, many types of authors. And unless you, the author, are interested in self-publishing -- a rough road for a first novelist -- you must work with an editor at a publishing house. Just remember the equation has two sides, separated by an equals sign, and you'll find it easier."

*Writer's Digest Books, F& W Publications Inc.