Sunday, January 26, 2014

Our Mom's Doughnuts ~ (You asked)

What does this heritage landmark have to do with Mom's doughnuts?  Reta* grew up in East Seneca, Haldimand County.

1 heaping cup of brown sugar
1 tsp. melted butter
2 eggs
1 cup rich milk
2 cups or more flour
1 tsp. soda
2 tsp. cream of tartar
Pinch of salt
Nutmeg if desired

Roll dough. Cut with round donut cutter [cutter leaves hole in centre]. Save centers and odd-shaped dough (don't reroll).

Have lard hot - almost smoking to start.

Dunk donuts including holes and random shapes in very hot lard.  Turn. [Random fantasy shapes and centers were popular with kids and adults alike.]

Mom was pretty famous for these donuts.  You will be too!

*Reta Turnbull Melick
[For larger image click on photo - lbw files]