Friday, April 19, 2013

Ballads ~ Old and New !
John Passfield

Who knew that poetry ~ specifically ballads ~ could be so much fun!  Thank you, John for an afternoon with ballads.  After reading the old ballads in appropriate dialet (good too, we might add), John shared some of his own, soon to be published in a new historic novel.
(Photo:  Courtesy of Kimberly Jeffrey.)

Welcome Customers ~ Absolutely, Cayuga is Open for Visitors 

Old Bridge Still Stands
Folks are asking ~ Yes, we are open!  Other than the odd couple hours that the old bridge is down to one lane, traffic flows beautifully.  (with certain restrictions on heavy loads!)

We have been assured that there will be no disruption of traffic.  Please come.

For those who don't know, Cayuga is getting a new bridge.
(Photo:  Wednesday, April 17)