Friday, March 16, 2012

The York Grand River Historical Society ~
Tuesday, March 21, 2:00 p.m.  The guest speaker is Gill Biddy.  Subject:  The War of 1812 on the Great Lakes.
This is a thriving group of historians who have produced among other things two books and a set of attractive hasty-notes depicting local historical buildings.
Location:  Andrew's Lodge Hall, Caledonia, on Hwy. 6 opposite Tim Horton's at the tracks.

(Note: The date was incorrectly reported in a local paper. Please note that the historical society always meets on the third Tuesday.)
Photo:  The Grand River at Cayuga ~ lbwalker

More wit & wisdom from the Irish ~

On Writers:
"A writer without a cat risks taking himself too seriously." 
~ Garrison (Kildare) Reed

"My dad's a writer.  His favorite expression is: 'The pen is mightier than the sword," which I believed for a long time.  Until I moved into the city.  And I got into a fight with this guy.  He cut me up real bad, and I drew a mustache on his face.  And then I wrote him a nasty letter."
~ Kevin Brennan

"There is only one trait that marks the writer.  He is always watching.  It's a kind of trick of mind, and he is born with it."
~ Morley Callaghan

"Writers aren't exactly people. . . they're a whole lot of people trying to be one person."
~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

~ Irish-American Funny Quotes by Merrit Malloy, Sterling Publishing Co., 1994