Saturday, January 5, 2013

In The Neat Little Bookshop, we like to think that there is something for everyone.  Our pride is in providing reasonably priced books, paperback and hardcover, on a wide-range of interesting and popular topics.  Books are shelved in categories.  Alphabetical by author, where appropriate.

Each and every book is carefully checked and cleaned ~ whether it needs it or not.  Most books are like-new.  Local authors are new.   Books that don't meet our standards are donated to various charities where they continue to live useful lives.* 

Categories include contemporary fiction, fantasy, science fiction, literary fiction, mysteries, true crime, westerns, romance, history, military, biographies, cultural, classics, Canadiana, travel, hobbies, art, nature, inspirational, health, science and a separate corner for teens and children.

With the exception of Clearance Books, books purchased in The Neat Little Bookshop can be returned for a small exchange credit.  Please note:  we do not accept great volumes of unknown books at the door.  A list of local charities is available at the desk.

Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year of good health, prosperity and happy hours surrounded by family and friends.

* Any musty, smoky or dirty books accidentally in our world are promptly recycled.  None go to landfills.