Friday, January 15, 2010

Your Smile for Today ~

The firefly's flame
Is something for which science has no name.
I can think of nothing eerier
Than flying around with an unidentified glow on a person's posteerier.

~Ogden Nash, Amer. poet, 1902 - 1971.

(Anyone who knew the first owner of The Neat Little Bookshop, may make the comparison of Ogden Nash's light poetry to Herb Martindale's whimsical limericks. Herb always had a comical verse for his visitors, usually scribbled on a homemade notepad ~ scrap paper stapled together. One had the feeling that the visitor's response determined whether the verse would see publication.

Tomorrow: Excerpts from: Our Horses Get to Vote at All Our Meetings, Herb Martindale, 1992. )