Saturday, August 10, 2013

Jeff Ronhaar of Jeff's Lawn Care/Mackenzie & Tim Mitchell Planting the 250,000th Tree.  Congratulations Mackenzie!

Haldimand Stewardship & Woodlot Owners Association

HALDIMAND STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL planted their 250,000th tree this summer.  The youngest tree-planter at the annual canoe festival was two-and-a-half year old Thomas Widdis of Kitchener.  Assisting were his grandmother, Colleen Armstrong of Brantford and his mom, Melissa Widdis. Great photos courtesy of Stewardship member Art Lyall.  Thank you, Art.
QUICK REMINDER ~ THIRD THURSDAY READINGS.  AUGUST 15, 1:00 p.m.  POETRY & POETS ~ Your favourite poem.  Everyone Welcome.