Friday, November 4, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness ~

Today is Random Act of Kindness Day. It is not an official holiday, simply a holiday evolving out of a modern world that sometimes seems to offer little kindness.

A tiny book by the editors of Conari Press offers some 150 pages of things that we can do for no reason at all, other than an act of kindness.

"Is not one of the great gifts of any act of kindness that it 'brings us back,' that it makes us feel that we have somehow returned to a place, to a feeling, that is somehow permanent, deeply rooted, and unchanging. . . Kindness is at the heart of our belief that people are basically good."

Perhaps today, one small act of kindness can make a difference in someones' day!

~ Random Acts of Kindness, Conari Press, 1999.