Tuesday, October 23, 2012

William Faulkner lost his job at the University of Mississippi post office in Oxford.  The official complaint read in part:  ~

"That you are neglectful of your duties, in that you are a habitual reader of books and magazines, and seem reluctant to cease reading long enough to wait on the patrons; that you have a book being printed at the present time, the greater part of which was written on duty at the post-office; that some of the patrons will not trust you to forward their mail, because of your past carelessness and these patrons have their neighbors forward same for them while away on vacations..."

~ Literature and the Arts, R. Spangenburg & D.K. Moser, Facts on File Inc., 1997

Wm. Faulkner (1898 - 1962) American writer, Nobel Prize laureate in literature, Pulitzer Prize for fiction.