Monday, May 20, 2013

Remnants of Pioneer Days ~ Haldimand County
Pierre Berton ~  "I had always seen this quartet of books ~ The National Dream, The Last Spike, Klondike, and now The Promised Land ~ as an epic story that began with John A. Macdonald's dream of a continental railway."

Describing the Winnipeg railway platform, "a gateway to the West" Berton calls it a "symbol for those two formative decades in the country's history...The platform had known the tread of many feet....a springboard for settlement."

Let us forever keep Victoria Day honouring the history of our Canada

* Pierre Berton (1920 - 2004) Non-fiction Canadian Author, best known for his Canadiana and Canadian history.  The Joy of Writing, Doubleday Canada, 2003.

Bring me the sunset in a cup,
     Reckon the morning's flagons up,
And say how many dew ;
Tell me how far the morning leaps,
Tell me what time the weaver sleeps
     Who spun the breadths of blue !

Write me how many notes there be
In the new robin's ecstasy
     Among astonished boughs ;
How many trips the tortoise makes,
How many cups the bee partakes, ~
     The debauchee of dews !

PROBLEMS by Emily Dickenson

Photo:  Mount Olivet, Haldimand County