Saturday, June 7, 2014

Yes, in the poor man's garden grow
Far more than herbs and flowers ~
Kind thoughts, contentment, peace of mind,
And joy for weary hours.

~ Mary Howitt, English poet. (b. 1799).  Mary & William were well-known writers in their day.

"You know, Francis, when I have problems and feel a bit downhearted, I like to go out and work in the garden.  Maybe it is just being in the fresh air beside so many growing things, but I know I go back indoors more relaxed and hopeful about dealing with my worries, which seem to become smaller.
I smiled.  'That's the value of your garden, John.  Mary Howitt knew all about it, and so do lots of people, including yourself. ' "
[Conversation related in The Friendship Book by Francis Gay, 1999.]