Tuesday, October 29, 2013

29 Talbot St. West (Hwy #3)
Bookshop Calendar ~ Readings & Fascinating Personalities:

Nov. 2    Sat.,  7:30  We will be attending "Steel City Stories/Brushes w/Greatness" at
Christ's Church Cathedral in Hamilton.  For details visit Facebook "Steel City Stories."
Nov. 16  Sat., 10:30 - 3:00 Gary McHale  Victory in the No-Go Zone.
Nov. 21  Thu., 1:00 Dr. Alan Bishop ~ Female Poets of World War I.
Dec. 19  Thu., 1:00 Christmas ~ Bring your own item.
Jan. 16   Thu., 1:00 Doris Kienitz East Germany and the Escape.
Feb. 20   Thu., 1:00 Suzanne Hurley Reading from her own mystery novels.
Mar. 20  Thu., 1:00 Neil Paul ~ Poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.
April 17  Thu., 1:00 Poetry Favourites ~ Bring your own item.

Everyone Welcome ~  "The coffee pot's always on..."  (Please let us know if you would like to be added to our e-mail list for prior reminder of event.  lbwalker@shaw.ca or neatlittlebookshop@gmail.com )