Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Andy Warhol August 6, 1986 Birthday

"All day people just whispered Happy Birthday, they didn't say it out loud.  Paige was getting together an advertising dinner for that night, which I was afraid was just going to be a birthday dinner disguised, so I told her she'd better have at least four advertisers there or there'd be trouble.
"...Got to Caffe Roma at 8:00...And there was a Polaroid guy there, and I finally told him that if Polaroid didn't advertise at this point, I was never going to use their name again in my life, and he said, 'Oh don't say that, don't let it mean we can't be friends.'  And he gave me something he said was very meaningful to him (laughs) ~ it was a Polaroid.  Of a sunset."

~ The ANDY WARHOL DIARIES edited by Pat Hackett, Warner Books, Copyright 1989 Estate of Andy Warhol.

(Note:  There is a webcam of Andy Warhol's gravesite today.)

Aug.6/28 - Feb.22/87
(Portrait by J. Mitchell, Source Wikipedia)
Poison Ivy n. a N. American climbing plant, Rhus radicans, secreting an irritant oil from its leaves.