Thursday, October 4, 2012

Audiobooks ~

The October issue of Fitness magazine has a tip for better sleep:  "The next time you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep, ignore the prevailing wisdom about getting out of bed to read by dim light.  Dr. __ recommends a new strategy:  Quiet your churning mind with an audiobook, preloaded on your phone or music player and at the ready, bedside.  Plug in your earbuds, press "Play" and cover the display to block the glow.  The story shouldn't be too stimulating, so choose a biography or your favorite book from childhood. . ."

by Nancy Gottesman

(Other tips:  Make your bedroom into a spalike sanctuary.  Don't drink a drop of caffeine after 2 p.m.  No laptops.  Don't like sleeping alone?  Get a dog.  "It's fine to break the no-pets-in-bed rule.)