Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Neat L'l Bookshop is Closed between Christmas and New Year's.  We will reopen on Wednesday, January 2nd.

(Photo:  Ouse Street, around the corner from the bookshop.  Thursday, December 27 ~ lbw)

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

~ Leo Buscaglia (1924 - 1998) American author, motivational speaker known as "Dr. Love."

[Can you imagine a better way to start each day than with this Leo Buscaglia quote? Thank you to my friend who gave me this beautiful 2013 Date Book ~lbw]

In the Peanuts comic strip, Snoopy walks up to Charlie Brown and his sister, Sally, giving them a great big hug.  Charlie says to Sally, "You can always tell when he's been listening to his Leo Buscaglia tapes." ~ Wikipedia.