Monday, October 15, 2012

Thursday Afternoons with Fascinating Personalities continues to be a fun pastime at The Neat Little Bookshop.  Conversation and lively discussions over tea has kept us learning and sharing ideas, stories and new interests ~ often meeting local authors.   Join us this fall for informal gatherings at the Round Table.

Watch for names that you recognize and some that are perhaps new to you ~ certainly always fascinating!  See you in the bookshop.

LATE NEWS:  Premier Dalton McGuinty Suddenly Resigns Today!  Proroguing the Legislature.

Afternoons With Authors
Schedule of Events

Oct. 25 Thur. 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. Kirk Du Guid, Author, The First Drug Squad.

Oct. 27 Sat. 1 - 3 p.m. Doris Kienitz, Author and Albert Kienitz, East Germany and the Escape.

Nov. 1 Thur. 1 - 3 p.m. Anne Vallentin, M. Ed. & Co-Chair of HALT.  Topic: "The Tao of Liberation."

Nov. 15 Thur. 1 - 3 p.m. Neil Paul, Author, A Slim Volume; Topic:  Robert Service Reading.

Free Admission, everyone welcome.  "The coffee pot's always on..."

The Neat Little Bookshop, 29 Talbot St., Cayuga, ON.905-577-5635.

(Note:  Click on Label:  Local Authors to review some of the authors.)