Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"Julilly sat on her mat and cried.  She had thought and dreamed of Lester and Adam dragging their heavy chains back to Mississippi.  Now Jeb said they might be free right now in Canada.  Inside her there was a welled-up fountain of joy.  The tears came from its overflowing.
"But what's this Underground Railway?"  Liza finally asked.
"You don't know 'bout the railway?"  Jeb laughed.
"The slave catchers gave us the name.  They said run-away slaves just seem to disappear underground and that there must be a railway down there."

~ Underground to Canada, Barbara Smucker,  Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited, 1977
Barbara Smucker (1915 - 2003), was a Mennonite who lived and worked as a librarian in Waterloo, Ontario.

Jenny crack corn and I don't care,
Jenny crack corn and I don't care,
Jenny crack corn and I don't care,
My massa's gone away!

I am bound for the promised land.
I am bound for the promised land.
Oh, who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.
[Photo:  Haldimand County lbw]