Thursday, November 5, 2009

Colonel Nichol and Mrs. Nichol

When the Colonel and his wife come to town, expect the unpredictable, the outrageous ~ sometimes murder, sometimes mayhem.

Actors/authors/historians, Bob Blakeley and Cheryl MacDonald continue to amaze with their growing list of books ~ all available at The Neat Little Bookshop. Titles that enlighten, educate and entertain. Guaranteed to assist with your Christmas Gift List.

An experience not soon to be forgotten: Join Cheryl and Bob on Saturday, November 14, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
For a complete list of books visit
Photo: by Lorna (for your copy contact:
Your smile for today ~

"I was a loner as a child. I had an imaginary friend ~ I didn't bother with him."
~ George Carlin