Friday, November 22, 2013

"He belongs to the people..."  Jackie Kennedy
Photos:  Courtesy of Scott Walker

Knowledge ~

"That we are made and intended to pursue knowledge is as certain as that we are made and intended for the improvement of our estate and we cannot tell how far or to what revelations the pursuit may lead us."

~ Goldwin Smith (1823 - 1910) British historian, essayist, journalist.

"What is more contemptible than a civilization that scorns knowledge of itself?"

 ~ John Ralston Saul (b. 1947) Canadian author, Past-President of PEN International (Postsecondary Education Network).

~ FAMOUS LASTING WORDS Great Canadian Quotations, J. R. Colombo, Douglas & McIntyre Ltd., 2000.

Moment in the bookshop ~ captured by Kim Jeffrey.
Alan Bishop, John Passfield & John Ballinger

Thank you, Kim