Thursday, June 18, 2009

"24-Carat Character"

A friend of ours with a colourful vocabulary ~ greater than my own ~ pointed out to me that I shouldn't have any difficulty writing a daily blog considering the "24-carat characters" that he observes coming and going in the bookshop. (This is the same gentleman who referred to the resident pekinese as an"animated floor mop.") Of course, I have enough material to enter several "posts" a day ~ including a paragraph or two on same gentleman. The trick is to write without offending anyone.
A "plug" is always good. This week I sold some westerns to a man who asked, only as an afterthought, if I had anything on Johnny Cash or Ronnie Hawkins. Yes. I do!

Now, this is a man whose deep bass-baritone voice does not go unnoticed even before his identity is revealed. Johnny Cash impersonator, Bill Cayley!

Mr. Cayley, although the train no longer goes through Cayuga, we know you will return some day and we look forward to seeing you. "The Legend in Black." is a 24-carat character.