Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Caledonia Video and Balloonery ~

Every day we work with people in our neighbourhood who make our lives fascinating and a constant pleasure. Jennifer owns Caledonia Video and Balloonery, 282 Argyle (Hwy. #6) Caledonia, Ontario. tel.: 765-5335

Voted best video store.

Photo: by Lorna (Click 3x on photo for larger image.)

Randy Pressmen at PRESSMENS - HASTINGS Print & Copy Centre "Quality & Service You Can Count On!"

The Neat Little Bookshop gets all its printing from Pressmens - Hastings, 71 Argyle St., N. Caledonia tel.: 905-765-4757. Randy and Perry Martindale began the business over twenty-five years ago. People in our neighbourhood making everyday a pleasure!

Photo by Lorna
Humpty Dumpty to Alice, Looking-Glass

I told them once, I told them twice:
They would not listen to advice.
~ ~

I said it very loud and clear:
I went and shouted in his ear.
But he was very stiff and proud:
He said, 'You needn't shout so loud!'

Chap. 6, Humpty Dumpty