Friday, March 1, 2013


Sunday Gun-Hunting Meeting

Tuesday, March 5 at 1:00 p.m. in the Cayuga Administration Building, 45 Munsee Street North, Cayuga.
Haldimand county will be holding a Council in Committee meeting to discuss the potential adoption of Sunday gun hunting within the County.

A letter from The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH) states that it "is extremely important for all hunters to attend this meeting to show their support of expanded hunting opportunities* as well as their support in allowing Sunday gun hunting within Haldimand County."

* As a property owner and resident of Haldimand,  the question is: what precisely does "expanded hunting opportunities" involve?  My experience is that NO TRESPASSING signs have little effect.  My family was once threatened while walking along a railway trail by a rifle-wielding individual.  Can we not preserve Sunday as a day for non-hunters, trail-walkers/hikers and woodlot explorers? 


Cayuga Tennis Courts

Nineteen Days 'til SPRING !

Cayuga Skateboard

Join the Caledonia Afternoon Book Club
Guest Speaker:  Joseph Rider
Wednesday, March 13, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Haldimand County Public Library
Caledonia Branch
100 Haddington St., Caledonia.

Author of The Way It Was:  My Life Story including a 40 year Cannery Career.
Stories and photographs in Rider's autobiography will be familiar to Cayuga residents.  He lived in a farmhouse on the Kohler Rd, Haldimand County; lived and worked in surrounding areas ~ Jarvis, Simcoe, Hamilton & St. Catherine's.
Today Joe Rider lives with his wife in Brantford, Ontario.

The Way It Was is available at The Neat L'l Bookshop. $20 tax incl.