Monday, December 21, 2009

Black Peter or Zwarte Piet

Gift-bringers vary around the world. In Canada, children wait expectantly for Santa Claus and his eight reindeer. In the Netherlands, St. Nicholas is accompanied by Zwarte Piet, or Black Peter. Black Peter tosses candy to children but also threatens to stuff bad kids into his sack and take them back with him to Spain.
I met Black Peter one time. I was taking photos for a weekly newspaper. Children were climbing all over St. Nicholas assisted by Black Peter. As I focused for the perfect shot ~ everyone smile ~ nothing happened. Had Black Peter jinxed me? Not a battery to be found. Not in my camera. Not in my bag.
My three sons and their Dad had stolen the batteries for a batteries-not-included toy and left me to explain. I did get the picture after a quick trip to the store but I have never forgotten Black Peter who is said to stuff bad kids into his sack.