Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Prayer for Mothers

Marjorie Flagg Holmes wrote ~

A Prayer For Cross Mothers

Oh God, I was so cross to the children today!  Forgive me.  I was discouraged and tired ~ and I took it out on them.  Forgive my bad temper, my impatience, and most of all, my yelling.  I am so ashamed as I think of it.

I want to kneel down by each of their beds, wake them up and ask them to forgive me.  But I can't.

They wouldn't understand.  I must go on living with the memory of this awful day; my unjust tirades.

Hours later, I can still see the fear in their eyes as they scurried around, trying to appease me ~ thinking my anger and maniacal raving was their fault.
Oh God, the pathetic helplessness of children!  Their innocence before the awful monster ~ the enraged adult.

And how forgiving they are, hugging me so fervently at bedtime, kissing me goodnight.

All I can do is straighten a cover, touch a small head burrowed in a pillow and hope with all my heart that they will forgive me.

Lord, in failing these little ones whom you have put in my keeping, I am failing you.  Please let your infinite patience and goodness replenish me for tomorrow.

MFH (1886 - 1976)  American English & Latin teacher, civic activist.

(A Dear Friend, Janice Wingrove, gave the above to me after we shared a soul-searching discussion on the difficulties of stay-at-home Moms.  My friend died of cancer and I have only recently been in touch with her beautiful adult children, Cheryl, Lorna and Justin.  Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  I hope that Marjorie Holmes' writing means as much to someone out there as it did to my friend and to myself. lbw)