Saturday, October 6, 2012

Demise of Canadian Canners Ltd,
the famous packers of Aylmer/Del Monte line of Quality food products.
Joseph Rider, 2012
Available at The Neat Little Bookshop $20.

Like so many multi-million-dollar Canadian businesses, Canadian Canners Ltd., closed a few plants at a time ~ then disappeared for good. Simcoe, Dresden, Vancouver, Penticton, Hamilton, St. Catharines, St. Davids, Toronto, Exeter.   Jobs gone, processing plants closed and abandoned, replaced by cheap labor and imported food.  Read a detailed account by an insider with forty years in the cannery production.  Read how Canadian Canners went from fifty plants in 1957 to five in 1991.  None exist today.

A well-documented, 235 page, soft-cover book including numerous color photographs, a chronological history of Canadian Canners Ltd.

Joe Rider lives in Brantford, ON.  He spent his early years in Haldimand County and Hamilton, Ontario.