Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Grand River Sachem

This grand old Haldimand, Ontario paper, "The Grand River Sachem," will turn 153 on February 6. In her column, "For What It's Worth," Barbara Martindale relates some of the early history. What she doesn't mention, is the notable years of ownership by the Martindale family.

1 comment:

  1. The Grand River Sachem may be an institution in Haldimand County, but so is The Neat Little Book Shop. For those of you who are just becoming acquainted with this wonderful place, it was originally run in Cayuga by the late Herb Martindale, who was a county institution in his own right. Then Sam and Annemieke Gowling took over and for a while it was located in the old Jarvis train station, now the location of Michaud Toys.

    In its latest incarnation, it's back in Cayuga and run by Lorna and John Walker, and it's an absolute gem. Aside from offering a great collection of books (used and new), Lorna has created a warm and inviting atmosphere in the store. Which is why it has become a local gathering place.

    You never know who you'll meet there (Lorna has been known to drag strange men in off the street) or what the conversation will be about, but it's ALWAYS fun and interesting.
