Monday, February 17, 2014

"We all gather once again ~ young and old, introvert and life-of-the-party, freckled cousins and smiling grandmothers whose eyes brim with pride and happy memories.  What would the day be without brothers, dads and sons sharing the latest jokes and achievements.  It is a time for the family to reaffirm itself and grow, to bond with newlyweds and precious little ones, to reminisce about loved ones lost.  It's a day to laugh and hug and remember who we are."

[Suggested Thoughts to Record:]

Memories of our family life
Our most important traditions
How we celebrated the holidays

~ Donna Green, artist, author  To My Daughter, With Love/ A Mother's Memory Book, SMITHMARK Publishers Inc., 1993.

                 Happy Family Day ~                  

                 The Neat L'l Bookshop

The Neat Little Bookshop
Regular ole paperback ~

"Tablet computers, laptops and cellphones are all backlit, which stimulates the brain through the eyes, sending it a message that it's time to be awake.  'No screens in the bedroom, and not electronics after 10 p.m.,' says [Dr. Celeste] Thirlwell.  Read a regular paper book instead, and you will fall asleep faster."

 ~ Dr. Celeste Thirlwell, Toronto, Sleep Disorders Clinic, The Centre for Sleep & Chronobiology.
Chatelaine, March, 2014.
[We agree.]