Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mumford & Sons Simcoe ON
No more winter here !  Posting only spring and summer.

View from the Bleachers Simcoe Fair Grounds
More Mumford to follow. . . What a great concert in Simcoe, ON, Summer 2013.

(Yes, my new PC is still in the computer shop 38 days and counting.  Limited  files/photos available. lbw.)

[. . . 39 days and counting.  We have asked for my computer and money to be returned. The store owner has not begun to install the new drives or, of course, transfer my invaluable files, family tree, photos, e-mail and addresses.  Customer service?  No communication?  No courtesy replies to my e-mail.  And yes, apologies to our regular repair man, we would have our computer by now, no doubt!]