Monday, June 18, 2012

The Heritage Grand River ~
The New Dock Caledonia Fairgrounds

Preparation for Day of 1000 Canoes

Viking Age Past ~
There are no Vikings.  The Kingdom of Vikings does not exist in the Village of York, contrary to what we had hoped.  Chieftains and noblemen are not native to Haldimand.  The great Viking ships were built for oceanic voyages, used for warfare during times of conflict, and other times for trade and commerce ~ sometimes for exploration.

The Walker Viking Ship once bravely sailed across the finish line in the fiercest of battles in Parkhill, Ontario.  The hull capable of carrying a crew of six, weighs close to one ton ~ dry.  Displaying noble flags, colourful mast and a dragon head of mammoth size, today the ship would require weeks of extensive refurbishing.  Viking warriors capable of lifting 400 lbs are in dwindling numbers.

Lacking the skills and methods developed over generations, we have reluctantly accepted that some tales exist only in story books and imaginations.  We bequeath the Kingdom of Vikings to ages past.

~ Signed, The Neat L'l Bookshop

Reminder:  Neil Paul will be in the bookshop on Thursday, June 21 at 1:00 p.m. 

Topic:  Emily Dickinson.  Everyone Welcome.