Battle of Stoney Creek ~ Canada
"The country which the government of the United States has undertaken to conquer."
~ David Longworth, American Statesman's Kalendar, 1812. [An almanac of census figures, time tables, federal gov't. depts., and army & navy lists.]
Billy Green | Photos: Battlefield House Collection lbw
Canada's Come a Long Way !
[In the thirties] "'Lewd' performances in theatres were forbidden. In Montreal, where all performances had to be governed "by the dictates of propriety and refinement,' the Board of Censorship explicitly defined a lewd performance as the appearance on the stage of 'bare-legged females,' 'the wearing of one-piece union suits by women,' or any dance that involved 'suggestive or repulsive contractions of the human body.'
"Toronto was equally puritan. When the distinguished British actor Maurice Colbourne appeared at the Royal Alexandra Theatre in Reunion in Vienna, a Robert Sherwood play, the censors were in full cry. Thanks to the vigilance of Mrs. Henry Cody, wife of the president of the University of Toronto, the police forced a number of script changes. The word 'bathroom' was deleted, an eight-second kiss was reduced to five seconds, the word 'damn' was cut out, and a love scene was toned down. And when the wildly successful new picture magazine, Life, published a photographic essay on the birth of a baby that year, the issue was denied entry into Canada."
~ Pierre Berton The Great Depression, 1929 ~ 1939, McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1990.