Friday, August 17, 2012

Smile for Today ~

Banks of The Grand ~ Cayuga

Cayuga Bridge
 Construction is to begin in September, 2012, on a new bridge.  This according to an update on the Haldimand County website ~ Ministry of Transportation of Ontario.

The Neat Little Bookshop has Story Hour, as many of you know, on Wednesdays after school.  This week our friend and Story-Hour teacher, Yvonne, had her purse stolen from her van that was parked at the Anglican church in Cayuga.
The heart-breaking part is that Yvonne spent many summer days at her home on the east coast collecting ancestral photographs and genealogy.  These irreplaceable items were in the stolen purse.
We are appealing to our friends and neighbours to please report anything suspicious to the O.P.P. and to be on the lookout for a black leather handbag and discarded items.

~ The Neat Little Bookshop 905-577-5635