Friday, May 10, 2013

The Neat Little Bookshop Cayuga St.
"What a neat, little, bookshop" ~
the title read in The Dunnville Chronicle article by Angus Scott ...dated Jan., 24, 1990.

"...inside [the bookshop] is one of the most interesting characters in Haldimand ~ owner Herb Martindale."

Herb opened his bookshop around the year 1976.  Herb's gone now but there are a lot of folks who still fondly remember "the most interesting character."

It will be eight years ago on Mother's Day that John and Lorna re-opened Herb's Neat Little Bookshop.

"In a way, every day is a separate adventure. In general, you only see the best people, because only the best people like to read."  ~ Herb Martindale quote.

(Photo:  11B Cayuga Street. lbw)

Author, Zane Grey Wrote:

To bear up under loss;
To fight the bitterness of defeat and
     the weakness of grief;
To be victor over anger;
To smile when tears are close;
To resist disease and evil men and base instincts;
To hate hate and to love love;
To go on when it would seem good to die;
To look up with unquenchable faith
     in something ever more about to be.

~ Zane Grey (1872 - 1939) American author, best known for his westerns.  Grey set up a dentistry office in New York under the name Dr. Zane Grey; however left the practice for his writing.  His house on the Upper Delaware River, Pennsylvania, is maintained as a museum.

(Photo:  Wikipedia)
Josie Penny

Thurs., May 16, 1:00 p.m.

Readings from  So Few on Earth

Jose Penny grew up in Labrador

"Coffee Pot's always on..."

Everyone Welcome