Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Secret Bluegrass Band ~

Jerry Taylor, Jackie, Steve, Morgan & Andrew Caswell
Appearing at the Back 40 Bar & Grill last Saturday evening, a top-notch bluegrass band ~ forth generation of a musical family.

Eileen Singing "The Carpenter"
The Caswell Family performance brings back memories of when the well-known Taylor Family played bluegrass.  Today daughter, Jackie, and her husband Steve have become a popular band with two CDs to their credit.
For band history, including the origin of their name, visit their website www.topsecretbluegrassband.com

John Passfield
John began publishing stories of St. Thomas, Ontario, the city where he grew up.  Today he has a long list of titles, many of which appeal to a world-wide audience.  Out of the Park:  The Cogitations of Babe Ruth; Inside the Wright Brothers, Flight is Possible; Water Lane, The Pilgrimage of Christopher Marlowe ~ to name a few.

John quickly moved into e-books after publishing in hardcover and paperback.  He has a unique approach to delivering his knowledge of writing and literature.  For each novel that he writes, he also publishes a companion volume titled "The Making of...."  For example, the book following his book about the Wright Brothers is titled The Making of Inside the Wright Brothers:  In Search of Form and Meaning VII. These are books that indeed are useful to writers and students of literature.  And yes, John is a retired secondary-school teacher who taught English and Drama who continues to teach.

John will be in The Neat L'l Bookshop Thursday, April 18, 1:00 p.m.  The topic:  Ballads.  Everyone welcome.