THE BELL JAR, Sylvia Plath ~ "Highly autobiographical and...since it represents the views of a girl enduring a bout of mental illness, dishonest." 1971
TROPIC OF CAPRICORN, Henry Miller ~ "...a flamboyant failure." "...a gadfly with delusions of grandeur."
ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST, Ken Kesey ~ "Kesey builds up an atmosphere of real horror and significance and then dispels it ineffectively with some quite misplaced slapstick. The book never gets back firmly on the track and a flurry of activity at the end isn't quite lively enough to disguise the fact that it's getting nowhere." 1962
CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR, Jean Auel ~ "We are very impressed with the depth and scope of your research and the quality of your prose. Nevertheless, the length presents a unique problem, for production costs are rising and the reading public are reluctant to bjuy expensive novels unless the author has an established reputation such as the one enjoyed by James Michener. In any case, we don't think we could distribute enough copies to satisfy you or ourselves." 1980
"Nature fits all her children with something to do,
He who would write and can't write, can surely review."
~ James Russell Lowell
"Nature fits all her children with something to do,
He who would write and can't write, can surely review."
~ James Russell Lowell