Friday, January 21, 2011

"To ask an author who hopes to be a serious writer if his work is autobiographical is like asking a spider where he buys his thread. The spider gets his thread right out of his own guts, and that is where the author gets his writing, and in that profound sense everything he writes is autobiographical. He could not write it if he had not seen it and felt it deeply."

~ Robertson Davies (1913 - 1995) Canadian author, journalist, playwright, in a speech given at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. Nov. 26, 1989.

Robertson Davies The Merry Heart, Pendragon Ink [An enterprise set up by RD's wife and daughter to handle his work.] McClelland & Stewart Inc., 1996

Roads~ Less~ Travelled

Taken Friday, January 21 (To view larger image, dbl. click on photo.)

Smile for Today

"A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose."*
This is not a rose, obviously. We just like it because it took years to blossom.It is what it is!
*Gertrude Stein, Sacred Emily, Geography and Plays, 1922.