To Adopt:
November 15, 2016 Council in Committee Report PED-GM-10-2016 with staff recommendations of October 3, 2016 be received, that the cultural service delivery approach be approved as amended to include 800 sq. ft. in the new Cayuga library building.
And that the draft 2017 tax supported capital budget include for council consideration adjustment to the Cayuga library redevelopment project to include both the genealogy centre and archives 600 sq. ft. at estimate cost of $200,000 with financing to be identified during the budget review and the museum display space 800 sq. ft. at estimate cost of $260,000 to be funded by community Vibrancy Fund, Ward 2, and that the county maintain public ownership of PIN 0140 and PIN0144 Cayuga Administration Building lands and the HCMA lands for public purposes following the closure and demolition of the buildings on the land in 2019.
Adopted 6 - 0 Absent: Mayor Ken Hewitt
[Transcript from video J. E. Walker]
Guest speaker Wed., Feb. 1, 2017 at the Cayuga & District Chamber of Commerce will be Craig Manley, General Mgr. Planning & Economic Development Department. author of Report PED-GM-10-2016.
"Lands for public purposes" |
The question remains; rumours persist: What is the reason for closure and demolition of all buildings on the Court House Grounds?
"...intention is to sell the property, but Morison noted they will ensure potential developers provide the kind of use that is best for Cayuga rather than just unload the property for the developer to do whatever they want."
"Both Boyle and Morison suggested one potential use is a condominium space, since seniors have reached out to the County about a need for this type of housing" ~ THE HALDIMAND PRESS, Sept. 15, 2016. [Co-Publishers Jill Morison & Georgia Mete]
Hundreds of signatures on an on-line petition [ key words: log cabin] and on the paper version asking that councillors and mayor save the Court House Grounds, the museum and the log cabin.
Administration Building to be demolished ~ "going to ground" Mayor Ken Hewitt |