A Quiet Corner ~ Cayuga-On-The-Grand ~ "Where the coffee pot's always on" ~ 29 Talbot Road West (Hwy 3) At stoplight, corner of Cayuga Street ~
HOURS: 10:30 - 5:00 Wed.Thu.Fri. ; Sat. 10:30 ~3. "Stay a While. Read a Book." Please click on "Labels" to read all posts on any particular topic of interest. We like to think of our blog as a quick visit to the bookshop. Come again! 905.577.5635 email: neatlittlebookshop@gmail.com
Beautiful Neecha brings happiness to folks who don't often get to pet or observe a dog. She is not new at socializing ~ she is thirteen years old, rolls over, sits up ~ all the time enjoying people.
This little dog brings a smile to folks in Grandview Lodge and Edgewater in Dunnville. Yesterday she visited The Neat L'l Bookshop. Come back soon, Neecha.
Testament of Youth/Testament of Friendship/Testament of Experience ~
Vera Brittain was born at Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire in December, 1893, the daughter of a wealthy manufacturer. During World War I she served as a VAD (Voluntary Aid Detachment) nurse, an experience which interrupted her studies at Oxford and which she recounted in her autobiographical Testament of Youth (1933). Although Vera wrote numerous volumes of poetry and fiction, she is more widely known for two later works: Testament of Friendship (1940) and Testament of Experience (1957).
Her brother, her fiance and two close friends were killed in the war leading Vera toward becoming a pacifist. She died in 1970.
Source: The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English, Ian Ousby, 1993.
Today in The Neat L'l Bookshop the topic: Poetry WWI including Vera Brittain ~ Dr. Alan Bishop. Everyone welcome.