Margaret Buller has written an inspirational story of how life can throw unexpected sorrows at us and it is up to us to choose our reaction.
A tragic hunting accident changed her fiance's life forever. "I had made a commitment to [Rick], and there was no question about backing out. It was our problem, and we were in it together," writes Marg. Rick was told by doctors that he would "always need some form of mechanical assistance."
"In place of a trim, attractive physique, he was now surrounded with a cage that imprisoned him, shaming him, before the whole world."
"After being assured of a full recovery, the stark reality of 'You'll never walk again' was an enormous blow, but, in fact, the truth necessary to begin to readjust life."
Meet the author of Comfortable in my own Skin, Saturday, May 12, 1:00 p.m. at The Neat Little Bookshop. The tea & coffee pot's always on.
Find Marg Buller's Profile on Facebook or visit her on Facebook at: "Marg's Kitchen Table Chat."
Find Marg Buller's Profile on Facebook or visit her on Facebook at: "Marg's Kitchen Table Chat."