Pure Passion and Steady Purpose ~
"...as if in coincidence with the theme of his reflections, he fixed his eyes on the polar star, which that night twinkled with more than ordinary brilliancy. Emblem of pure passion and steady purpose ~ the thoughts which arose as he viewed its clear and unchanging light, were disinterested and noble. To seek his country's welfare, and secure the blessings of domestic peace."
~ Peveril in Peveril of the Peak, 1822
SirWalter Scott - 1771 - 1832
Scottish historical novelist and poet
Classics: Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, Lady of the Lake.
Scott began studies at the University of Edinburgh at the age of twelve, eventually becoming a lawyer.
A biography of Sir Walter Scott ~ Wikipedia
Village of York on The Grand River
(For larger images, click 3X on photos)
Day of One Thousand CanoesQuestions we are being asked:When is departure time on the Day of 1000 Canoes?Where do we register? Who do we talk to about volunteering?Start Time and Location: 9 am - 11 am Unload, park, sign in, eat, enjoy entertainment, then launch according to ticket number. Caledonia Fair Grounds, Hwy. # 54 (Caithness St. E, Caledonia)Volunteer? Assistance is planned for canoeists at three locations: Caledonia Fairgrounds, Village of York (Hwy # 54) and Cayuga, Bob Baigent Memorial Park.Please contact Lorna in The Neat Little Bookshop or by email lorna@1000canoes.com Phone number, anytime, 905-577-5635. Registration forms available online http://www.1000canoes.com/ also in the bookshop.For larger image of poster please click on photo.